Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Road Trip

As fate would have it a computer did make it into my hands, so here I am letting you know that we made it to L.A. early in the morning. Traveling at night is so much more relaxing than during the day, specially when you are crossing the desert. It's also nice be able to ignore the long stretches of road that look endless when you drive during the day. I'm using this Saturday to relax and unwind while at the same time visit my sister and her family.

Something about road trips just appeal to me so much, we never seem to be in a hurry and stop everywhere under the dummest excuses, wheater it's buyin snacks, or taking pictures of the different places we visit, no lack of excuses here, actually the number one reason for stopping is for smoke brakes, since I don't smoke my passangers need to get out of the van oftern. In any case the way I see it, road trips can and will be boring only if you allow it. When I go on vacation it starts the very moment we turn the key and strart the engine.

Just last week I read an article in the newspaper about how Americans are not taking vacations anymore because according to the poll taken there just ins't any time for it. In my case if I have vacation time coming to me I'm taking mine, specially since our policy states "use it or loseit". Time is a precious commodity that if wasted it can't be recovered. Make the time to leave your job, and don't be afraid of going on vacation because when you come back your job most likely will still be there. Unless you think like this guy that got summoned to jury duty, when he got there he asked the judge if he could be excused as he needed to go to work, when the judege asked him isn't anyone there right now that can do your job, his reply was "that's exactly what I'm afraid of".

So as the anticipation increases we continue to wait for the rest of our family coming from Phoenix. By Sunday night they should all be here. Until then I leave you with greetings and salutations from Hacienda Heights, California.

1 comment:

MrManuel said...

There is something very calming about long trips at night. I think it is because my family took a lot of road trips to L.A. when I was a kid, mostly at night. Always brings back memories when driving at night...

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