Monday, September 11, 2006

Where Were You?

Where were you when you first heard? I was driving to work, it was early as I had plan to come in an hour before so I could catch up on work and as I exited the freeway on 40th St. I heard our local DJs talk about some sort of terrorist attack on one of the twin towers, their comments were somber and I knew that something very awful had just happened, they were taking calls from the listeners mostly teenagers and many of them were crying. It took me another 5 minutes from the freeway exit to my work, I remember there were only four or five cars already parked.

As soon as I came in I asked our technician to turn on the TV, as something awful had just happened in New York, "I think one of the twin towers was hit with a plane" is all I could mumble. The TV was on and as more employees started coming in to work, we all just stood in front of the TV as we watched the events unfold. I called my wife at home, I knew she would still be asleep but I felt she had to know.

We all know what happened next will be stamped in our minds forever, to this day I don't think I have shed enough tears, as every time we commemorate the events they come out without asking for my permission. I placed a flag outside my office door the next day to honor and remember those that lost their lives on that day and to this day it's still there, a constant reminder of how fragile and easy to shatter our lives are, but also a strong reminder of how powerful we can be when we all come together as a nation.

Take a moment during your busy day just to remember and in your own way to let those that left us that they are not forgotten.


MrManuel said...

I found out as I was driving to work. The second plane had just hit. The whole drive was surreal and I don't remember actually driving, but simply listening to the news. It was a long day. My wife's uncle is a firefighter in NYC so waiting all day to get in contact with him made the day even worse.

Scooter McGavin said...

I was awoken by a roomate who told me to turn on the TV. Just minutes after turing it on I saw the 2nd plane hit.

Chely said...

It was 7:20 a.m. when I was abruptly woken up by my friend Martha who frantically was trying to tell me that there was some sort of terrorism happening in New York. She was cautioning me about something to do with a plane that was scheduled to arrive in Los Angeles.

Being that I was half asleep and that this was not the first time that my friend had ever woken me up, I said, “Oh man, what are you talking about?” She explained it to me once more and I quickly ran to our family room and turned on the television. I was trying to understand what was happening and trying to soak the scarce information being provided to us by the News Media. The channel I was watching wasn’t too clear as to what had hit the 1st tower.

At that moment, I still could not understand why my friend was warning me about a plane coming to L.A. when, right before my eyes, a plane crashed strait into the 2nd tower!

This was the moment when, what we now call 9-11 soaked through. It drenched me from my head to my toes. I was in awe.

I chose not to send my girls to school that day. I arrived 2 hours late as I walked in to work with a small television set that remained on every day from 9 to 5 for the next month.

On September 11th 2001 - “All gave some, but some gave all” “Firefighters and Policemen climbed the stairs that took them straight to heaven”.

Anonymous said...

Iba camino a mi trabajo con una compañera con la que hacía car pool y en la radio estaban comentando acerca de un abión que había chocado con una de las torres gemelas, no había muchos detalles pero mi compañera y yo nos miramos y comentamos lo orrible que devía ser eso. Cuando llegamos al trabajo en el mitting de cada mañana comentaron que algo feo estaba pasando en NY y nos dijeron que habría dos televisiones en el comedor para que en los descansos nos pudieramos informar de lo que pasaba.
Después de cada descanso las noticias eran peor y peor. Un sentimiento de impotencia se apoderó de mi y no atinaba a pensar claramente. Lo único que se me ocurrió fue decir una plegaria a Dios suplicandole que se apiadara de ellos (en NY) y de nosotros en el mundo.

Michelle said...

Well like in your story you had said you called my Mom. But I was the one who answered the phone. You told me before you told my mom. Probably like everyone else... Me, My Mom, and Nichole stood there in awe. It was almost time for us to leave to school when you had called but instead we were so caught up in all that was taking place, that we also didn't go to school or work.
All I can say is that to this day, I can still remember see the 2nd plane hit the tower and the saddness that I felt. As well as watching the people actually jumping from windows to get out. I for one am still in awe to this very day. But I am also thankful that I have my family and 9-11 has helped me not take that for granted.

La Bella Lady said...

The disaster of September 11th, 2001 brought tears to all of our hearts; through pain, anger and unity. The way the people reacted with such togetherness, well, it reminds me of a beautiful rose. You always see a beautiful rose with several petals standing on a long stem. As each petal falls, the stem is still standing; damaged but forever standing strong.

Jose said...

Mr Manuel - Fortunately we live on the West Coast but we felt the pain just the same, on that day we were all one.

Scooter - I was the first one to bring the bad news to work, we stayed glued to the TV and I couldn't believe when I saw the second plane hit either.

Chely - In contrast to you, we were so quiet and got so into our work that we had the best shipping day, we have only had two better shipping days since. I thanked God because I knew I had a job I could go to, many in NY lost theirs on that day.

Elena - Pinso yo que muchos de nosotros a nuestra manera te acompañamos en tus resos en ese dia.

Michelle - That's right, I forgot you answered the phone.

Lovely Lori - One thing is certain, such a horrible desaster did bring much needed unity among all of us.

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