Friday, June 27, 2008

Day Seven

Let me share yet one more of our vacation days. This is already day seven and it's a Sunday. We wake up and get ready as we will be attending mass. It's supposed to be a special day since my uncle is taking us to this little town call Agualuco.

Notice the circular shape of the church. The architecture is conservative, but I wouldn't know what style architecture it is.

The plan was to attend this small church in Agualulco a very small town between Santa Maria and Tetipac. We all got ready and again got in the truck and the bed of the truck and headed for church. Sadly there was no scheduled mass for this particular Sunday so when we got there it was empty.

The interior is beautiful too. It's kept pretty clean and while we were there some ladies were changing old flowers for some fresh ones.

At least it was open, so we all went in to see it. See, my grandfather on my dad's side raised a lot of the money used to build it, he did this during his last years of life and that is the reason that this particular church is special to us. I remember my dad asking us to donate a few dollars so he could send them to my grandfather in Mexico.

A couple more scenes from the church in Agualulco.

This is a very pretty church that is totally different from the rest. As this is not an old historical church but a new temple with a new design. The church is round and modern and in it's own way very pretty too. I know my grandfather was very proud. I had seen pictures from when it was being built so it was nice to actually see it finished and in person.

So, after a short visit we decided to keep going all the way to Tetipac. We got there in time to hear mass there. After mass we did some shopping and then we all went to eat to a small restaurant where two of my cosing work. If you are wondering what we ate, wonder no more, yes we ate tacos. Ummmmmm que rico!

My mom and tia going crazy shopping at the mercadito.

After we ate, we went to the mercado and bought more food, more gifts, and some miscellaneous items.

On a side note, did I mention that on day four we ate... drum roll please!!! Ready, yeap believe it or not but we ate SKUNK! Peuwww! We ate a little piece of skunk meat for medicinal purposes. Skunk meat acts as a mosquito repelent, and help for the skin not to get irritated when bitten.


MrManuel said...

A church in Mexico that doesn't have a scheduled mass on a Sunday. I don't believe it!

Jose said...

mrmanuel - These are very small towns, more like ranchitos (little ranches). To go to mass you have to go to the nearest bigger town.

Anonymous said...

ok, really - skunk?? Ewwwwwwwww!

That church is absolutely gorgeous! the church I belonged to was dark, and closed in - that one with the many windows and bright color is quite refreshing and wonderful!

And I for one wasn't surprised when you ate tacos ;)

Michelle said...

That's gross Dad... SKUNK? Stinky. Was it good tasting or just as bad as it smells? That's weird.

The church is very pretty though. That's cool that my Abuelito's Dad helped build it.

Anonymous said...

Michelle tengo entendido que mi abuelito Silviano fue el que empezo con la idea y todo el proyecto de esa Iglesita la cual ahora conosco en fotos. Fide ahora veo porque mi hermanita no venia tan picoteada como la otra vez.Te quedaron ganas de regresar?
Cuando me podrias quemar un disco con el millon de fotos que sacaste si puedes por favor mandamelo con mi marido.Quisiera ver mas paisajes gracias por tu blog.

Anonymous said...

How totally COOL love those pic and that church as FANTASTICALLY BEAUTIFUL! But the skunk meat? Ick. What did it taste like?

Elena said...

Fide. Clarifica que el zorrillo estaba bien frito y no tenia tan mal sabor,sabia un poquito como la carne seca que a veces comemos y que nos gusta tanto, porque ya vi todas las expreciones de asco habidas y por haber.

Mel said...

that church is breathtaking!!

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