Monday, August 28, 2006

What did I say?

When you are Hispanic and English is your second language it is very easy to take words out of context. My younger daughter is constantly correcting my pronunciation but I have asked her to give up, I will always have an accent and I will always mispronounce not one or two but a bunch of words. To give you and example or two if I want to say "third" she says it sounds like I said "turd", or if I say "Doug" she says it sounds like "Dog" well to me they sound alike.

Not to long ago as I was placing an order for some shipping supplies, the customer service rep told me and I quote, "Do not take this the wrong way, but you sound like Puss in Boots", "What?" I asked and she started laughing as she told me that she said that because I sound like Antonio Banderas. And I always tell people I have a Ricardo Montealban accent. Yeah I wish.

The other day I was going through some adds and this store had a "Pedometer" on sale. Well pardone moi if I freaked out a little bit, but who in their right mind wants to meter my "pedos", trust me I'll be the first one to tell you that they do not smell good I just never realized that someone came out with a machine that actually may trap the intensity of my "pedos" and meter them out. So on a scale from one to ten how do your pedos measure up?, oh wait let me see just hold on a second because I do have a machine that will measure them... oh wow when it comes to "pedos" I'm a six, not bad, not bad at all.

Now if I buy such a machine I would be afraid to let my son use it, he'll break it for sure on the first try... What? Say that again... You want to show me something in the dictionary?

Hold on folks give me a second, I'll be right back...


One entry found for pedometer.
An instrument usually in watch form that records the distance a person covers on foot by responding to the body motion at each step

Oh shit, a pedometer is not used to measure the intensity and smell of my farts...

Well then never mind.

*Pedo is Spanish for fart.


MrManuel said...

That was funny stuff. Funnier because I too am Mexican and got the joke from the beginning. I understand what you mean about correcting pronunciations. My dad was born in Mexico and lived there until his 20s so he mispronounces stuff all the time. I am not sure he even knows how to pronounce the letter B.

Jose said...

Nikki - Y dale con eso, te voy a dar un coco. Tell me you knew what a pedometer was for.

Canadian Mom - Well thanks for stopping by and I hope you voted for me. Yeah blogs will erase your accent 100%.

Miss Britt - I just hope you are not using Chich accent from Chich and Chong. And hey bloggin' is educational, isn't it?

Mr Manuel - I trully didn't know what a pedometer was for but you know only one thing came to my head. And yeah that's another one for me I pronounce B and V pretty much the same. lol

Dwayne said...

This was a good one. Hope you win your battle. fartmeter. I'm going to be laughing about this one all day.

Chely said...

Ay, Ay, Ay Mr. Cool!


(V)esitos (B)esitos,

Battlerocker said...

Halarious. No idea about the word pedo. Thanks for enlightening.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that I'm glad there ISN'T a meter to measure farts. My husband would break it for sure!! (but not me, 'cause women don't do that kind of stuff!)

Too funny. This is just as funny as your "visa card" on the Mexican border. could be another George Lopez! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. GOD!!! *screams with laughter* A fart meter!!! I'm glad you did your research first and found out what it really is, rather than putting that poor plastic contraption to the test by melting it with your noxious human fumes.

By the way - yes, you DO sound like Puss in Boots. ;)

La Bella Lady said...

Here I was having a topsy turby day when along comes this hispanic man & makes me laugh just by using the word fart.
Leave it to us Mexicans to make farts entertaining & educational.
(I showed it to my 'non-spanish-speaking' boss and he laughed so hard. Of course, I'm not sure if he really got it or was just pretending.)

Elena said...

cochino y buuurro!!!

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