Thursday, July 03, 2008

It wasn't Pepe LePew

On a side note, did I mention that on day four we ate... drum roll please!!! Ready, yeap believe it or not but we ate SKUNK! Peuwww! We ate a little piece of skunk meat for medicinal purposes. Skunk meat acts as a mosquito repellent, and help for the skin not to get irritated when bitten. ~Taken from my post on day 7

OK, really - skunk?? Ewwwwwwwww!

That's gross Dad... SKUNK? Stinky. Was it good tasting or just as bad as it smells? That's weird. ~Michelle

But the skunk meat? Ick. What did it taste like?

Fide. Clarifica que el zorrillo estaba bien frito y no tenia tan mal sabor,sabia un poquito como la carne seca que a veces comemos y que nos gusta tanto, porque ya vi todas las expreciones de asco habidas y por haber.

LOL - These are some of the comments in regards to me eating skunk. My sister asked me to clarify that the skunk meat was fried in the same way pork is fried, and that it really didn't taste bad at all. It tasted a bit like the dry meat you find at the store. It did look different than other meats as it had these little hairline size bones. There's this show on one of the many cable channels where this chef goes around the world and eats exotic (a better term would be weird) foods and his motto is if it looks good eat it. He actually eats everything whether it looks good or not. Well I sort of took his advice.

Us city people will get stung/eaten/bitten by mosquitoes and they will leave a mark. My sister had it the worst as some of the bites she got actually got swollen. We were told that tejon (Badger), and skunk meat are really good as mosquito repellent. No, it wasn't like a skunk stew or anything like that, we had a small fried piece of meat and that was it. Was it bad tasting... nope! But I will say this, it has got to be the most unusual meat I have eaten to date.


Chely said...

Question of the week...What's the yuckiest/oddest food yu've ever had?

Well, I've never had skunk but if it's medicinal & it tastes like "beef-jerkey", I'd try it. Why not?

Now, two Mexican delicacies I've tried are; Moronga = Blood with spices that make a kind of sausage.


Jumiles - roach-like animals found in the meadows. Smashed & squished along with onions, tomatoes & spices to make a super HOT Salsa!

Mmmm Mmmmm=p

Jose said...

To me the yuckiest would be oysters. Guacala! I have eaten "moronga" and it's delicious, and "jumiles", I even popped one into my mouth and just ate it. As for the oddest it has to be "huitlacoche". I have not tasted it since Mexico though.

Anonymous said...

Ok, granted it is not put out on a plate with the tail hanging over, but it still doesn't sound like something that I would try :-)

Wanda said...

What a wealth of information you are Jose.... So all I need is eat a skunk....and I don't have to worry about mosquitos...

Now, If I eat a mosquito, with the skunks stay away???

Jose, I teasing you ... I love this post and all the neat stuff you are giving us from your trip!!!


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