Monday, October 09, 2006


A new sets of emotions and feelings, a new outlook on life. Although this is a repeat event it still feels new and fresh and once again it fools you into believing that it is the first time. In all honesty it was, not for me or many of my relatives and friends but for two very special people that in a way struggled a bit but in the end achieved one of the miracles of life.

On Friday my brother and his long time girl friend had a beautiful baby girl, and we couldn't be happier for them. The little bundle of joy came without instructions which will make things both exciting and challenging for both of them, but will also give them a chance to discover what many of us already had.

After having 5 grandchildren it is nice to add another niece to our already huge family. Isn't it funny that this three-day-old baby is already an aunt to so many? Yeah, one of those funny things in life. She came complete with a head full of hair and a smile that will set you at peace with your surroundings just by looking at her.

Pretty soon her presence will be felt in full force, but for now the introduction of baby cries and dirty diapers will keep them busy and entertained and will create that bond between the new parents and the new baby. So here's my wish for them. "My wish for you is that this baby give you many years of love and happiness and a new purpose to your lives".

Congratulation to the both of you and a big welcome to Dana.


Lana said...
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Lana said...

Congrats to the new parents

Jose said...

Thank you Bozette for the heads up.

La Bella Lady said...

Congratulations Jorge!!! You and your lady have been blessed with a gift which keeps on giving. Personaly, I have never been the same since Luigui & I first met Branden (10 years ago).
It was a precious moment for both of us. A type of moment that has every kind of good feeling & yet is undescribable at the same time.
P.S. I was able to see the picture this past weekend:She's a BEAUTY!

Erin said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family!! A new baby always brings so much joy and happiness to a family :) Enjoy the time with the little one!

Elena said...

Tienes razon, no importa cuantos babys vengan a engrosar las filas de nuestra ya grandisima familia, cada uno viene con un lugar muy especial en nuestros corazones. Nos llena de ternura y felicidad cada uno de ellos , pero ver a Jorge convertido en un papa dedicado y solicito, cambiando los panales de la baby, protegiendola hasta del aire es algo que nunca crei que fuera posible. Lo que me queda por decir es "Gracias Senor, por el regalo de la vida"

MrManuel said...

Congrats to your family!

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