Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My Scary Story... True Story -- I Swear

It's not that I don't like them but they are kinda dumb and I hate to be scared therefore horror movies usually don't make it into my DVD, mi chica just flat out refuses to see them so that makes two of us. However every so often a horror movie will get pass us. Such was the case of the movie "Sleepy Hollow". I remember watching it one night by myself at full surround sound volume. I'm sure that by now everybody knows how awesome movie sound can be when if you plug your stereo sorround system properly. Yeah, sounds were coming from every corner of the room, and bouncing front to back and side to side.

So I remember actually falling asleep while watching "Sleepy Hollow" all of a sudden I woke up screaming, my heart was pounding fast and I actually felt agitated. I remember I was dreaming (which is rare because I never remember my dreams) that these kids were being mischivious in the back alley by my ex-house, and because I was fed up with their loud screaming I started screaming even louder that they were, except I was not the one screaming in the dream but a sort of monster, some sort of weird troll of some kind, and I the troll was ready to teach these kids a lesson.

I must have been screaming pretty loud, in fact so loud that I woke myself up. When I realized that it was all a dream I decided to not go to sleep again for that night, so I changed the channel on the TV and watched some very boring not scary at all show.

The funny thing is that the boring show was so boring that in about ten minutes I was asleep again. Luckily for me I did not pick up the same dream again and was able to sleep for the rest of the night.


fuzzbert_1999@yahoo.com said...

Now that's a funny Halloween story I like. Thanks.

MrManuel said...

That is funny. Dreams are funny things aren't they? But I wouldn't call Sleepy Hollow a horror movie!

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