Monday, November 06, 2006

Welcome Dead Silence

After a three day hiatus I am back, and I also have a new co-pilot, this one comes all the way from Maryland and it will be easier if I just quote her:

I'm a 23 years old female and live in Maryland. I've always been fasinated by serial killers and the like. I'm a fan of such shows a CSI, Cold Case Files, Cold Case, Without A Trace and Forensic Files. I'm not sure what drew me towards such a topic. I guess you could say it just kinda happened. Most of the books in my collection are about various killers and cases. Those books along with various websites will be where I get most of the information you see here. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

She writes about things that most of us stay away from. Not too long ago we were worried here in Phoenix because of the Serial Shooter and Baseline Rapist, so sites like hers are not too far fetched, actually hers is very informative and interesting. Dont' believe me? Then try for yourself and click the thumbnail.

So please join me in welcoming "Dead Silence" as my co-pilot of the week.

4 comments: said...

I like her style and what she's done to her site.

I'll have to send her over to Cross+Hairs some time!

CyberCelt said...

Happy C&C Monday (somwhere it is still Monday).

Erin said...

On my way! what's up with your heading by the way :-)

Jose said...

Erin - I ordered a new thumbnail and I'm sure it wasn't fully loaded when they registered it. I will have to order another one. I have trouble finding my own blog because I don't see the Mustang.

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