Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Love is patient,
Love is kind.
It bears all things,
Believes all things,
Hopes all things,
Endures all things.
Love never fails.

- 1 Corinthians 13:4,7,8

It's all about friendship, understanding, and love. It's about enjoying the good times and sharing them, and about overcoming the adverse times while solving problems together.

It's not about the flowers and the special meals, but about taking the time to realize that the significance of the one day should be exercised all year long.

So, if you have a special someone to celebrate with it's all the better, but family and friends are perfect candidates to spend the day or the afternoon with. Our kids take the time to either make or write a Valentine's Day card for every student in their class, not for the boyfriend or the girlfriend only but for anybody and everybody that deserves to be called FRIEND. If this is what we teach them then why do some of us change?

I wish every single one of you a Happy Valentine's Day.


And to my special someone, to "mi chica" let me quote Jerry McGuire by saying:

Happy Valentine's Day Baby!



Michelle said...

Happy Valentine's Day Daddy! I love you!

Chely said...

I can't get into my Old Blogger account to post my Valentine's Day entry!

Blogger is MAKING ME move to their updated version and I'm having trouble setting the "dumb thing" up! I already, supposedly signed up to their Google account, but even with that, I can't access my account.

I have a new post but, I CAN'T POST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fide, Michele or anyone who can help me fix this thing, call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MrManuel said...

Well put. Happy Valentine's! said...

Same to you my friend.

My wife and I have been friends longer than we've been married - met our junior year. We were afraid to marry for a while because we were afraid we'd lose some of the friendship.

Lana said...

Happy Valentines Day.

Erin said...

You are so wonderful - your chica is very lucky to have you!

Happy Valentines Day Jose, I hope you enjoyed it with the people you love.

Tara said...

Hope yours was fabulous Jose :)

Webmiztris said...

hey, I remember giving cards to every kid in class too! we were such whores! ;) hope you had a good V-Day!

Biker Betty said...

You are so right. We should always appreciate our loved ones and friends every day and let them know we care. Excellent post and I hope you had a great Valentine's Day.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend,too.

Betty :)

Unknown said...

You sound like a great husband.. your wife is a lucky woman..

Happy Valentines to you! (sorry, I'm a little late)...


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