Sunday, January 06, 2008

Ant Then There Are Only Two Again

So my younger daughter and her husband and their son moved out of the house about three weeks ago. The house quiet down a bit. Friday night my other daughter, her husband and their two kids told us they were moving out. On Sunday they did. While my younger one only moved 15 minutes away to Phoenix. My other daughter moved to Tucson and that's at least two hours away. :(

As you can imagine, the house is quiet and wouldn't you know it, it's clean too. Yey for mi chica. I already miss them but I'll get used to it... OK, I'm over missing them. lol I wish them the best as they will FINALLY will be on their own. And just like that a household of nine is now of two.


Erin said...

I'm sure with all the parties you all have, you'll be seeing them a lot more than you think ;)

Unknown said...

I know you miss them but I hope you enjoy the time with the Mrs..

Jose said...

ec - That much is true.

amy- That much is true too.

SCANjolina said...

No, I know you love Michelle and your family, but yeah, I totally understand the household chaos. aunt lives in Tucson. She's lived there all MY life, so it's been over 40 years. I used to love going to visit there. She's a hoot.

SCANjolina said...

That's weird. 1/2 of my comment didn't show up.

The top paragraph was supposed to say " HOW DID YOU DO IT??" We have a 19 year old moocher who won't LEAVE! LOL

Jose said...

scanjolina - lol I still laugh at your name. Anyway, we were planning on selling because just like your situation, money is tight here so they started looking, but our house dropped too much and there's no reason we should lose our equity so we will continue to be broke but this house is our best investment so we'll try to stay afloat, worse come to worse we can always put it in the market. We'll see.

Angie said...

So, did you and your chica run through the house naked just because you could?? ;)

Elena said...

Pues no se si felicitarlos o no pero mejor maƱana los veo.

I love you

Jose said...

angie - Not yet, but what a great idea. lol

elena - pues ya nos acostumbraremos a el silencio y la calma, y a tener la casa limpia. je je je. Ahi the veo manana, ten el cafesito listo.

Chely said...

Tucson???? Why so far??? Ahhh, they'll be back soon enough...

ROTFL with Angie's comment=D
If you do decide to run around the house naked, make sure you are wearing shoes. You don't want to slip on that new floor of yours and hurt yourself and THEN you and your Chica could lose some excitement (wink, wink).

Well, I hope you guys enjoy your "Empty Nest" & agree with EC.
With all the gatherings & road trips you guys have, you'll see them more often than you think.

Besitos a todos y nos hablamos pronto!

Jose said...

chely - Ouch! lol
They are going to rent and take care of a house Jr's brother bought there. He plans to sell it in about a year. So most likely they'll be back in about that time. Unless they like it there.

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