Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's New?

Hello everyone, my daughter has come through once again and on Sunday she spent a couple of hours creating little buttons per my request. Have any of you noticed that she placed a button on my sidebar liking each one of my friends? No? Then take a moment to locate yours and if you are not there please let me know so that I can have one added. I just think they look pretty cool. Do you agree with me?

Look to the left and then scroooooll down until you find them.

So, tomorrow I'll be taking the day off and so will mi chica. Heck, tomorrow should be declared a national holiday and everybody should take if off and celebrate with me. What am I celebrating you wonder? Well, my birthday of course, as of today I am still 48 but tomorrow I will be only on year away from the big 5 ~ 0. I don't see my birthdays as getting older, I see them as wow! I lived one more year, and it makes me look forward to the next.

Oh, and talking about birthdays, last Sunday was my youngest grandson's birthday party, he turned one. It was a small intimate family gathering full of fun and great company. Since we are in Phoenix my son and daughter in law made it a swimming party. My daughter Michelle is our official party planner and she help them set up the party. The theme was SpongeBob SquarePants, now I don't have any pictures right now but will try to post some later on when I get home, so come back and revisit this post later.

Juan Diego Jr. -- One year old.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby! You must be very proud! Happy Birthday! Mine is next month, 42 yrs old.
BTW I LOVE MY NEW BUTTON! She does a grat job on those buttons!

Chely said...

Cool Buttons!

Have a GREAT BirthDAY:D
Don't forget next Friday is MINE!!!

Happy belated birthday to Juanito:)
I'll check out your "updated" post later:)

Jose said...

Renne - I think by now you know that I am the proud grandpapa of seven. Juanito is numero six, and I agree with you, he is beautiful.

Thanks for the birthday wish. When next month?

Oh yeah, you now have two buttons here.

chely - Thanks you, I will try to remember yours next week. I am like Ducky, I forget everything and then remember like the week after.

Tara said...

Yes and she does a wonderful job!

Look at that smile...Juan Diego is too cute!

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful bday. My blogs button is my old blog which I miss. I think I liked it better.Thanks for memories.

Have fun with the fam!

Jose said...

tara - Thanks for the comments, he is cute, isn't he?

amy - Thank you too for the good bday wishes. It will be a great day. Your button was in fact taken from your old template, now you know you have been on my sidebar for quite a while.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday
Te deseamos Samy y yo.
Un fuerte abrazo de oso y
que tengan un Feliz Dia.
Tu hermana Ade.

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday today Daddy!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Now, that was a beautiful and wonderful surprise!!! To be getting a button named after me.

You have no idea how much being loved by all my friends in the blog world is helping me out these days!!!

Ya'll are part of my daily extended family!

Now if I was closer to you y su chica, I'd be singing it in person, BUT alas, I'm in the south...damn.

Anyways, happy.happy!birthday to you!

And to that beautiful little grandbaby!

Anonymous said...

Matter of fact. You y su chica should come to LA for Friday the 3rd of October! That's my b-day. We'll find a karaoke bar and we'll sing happy birthday to each other!

Anonymous said...

Hola Fide, FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!!! no se si lo puedas leer, pero sabes que te deseo lo mejor. Te mandamos un fuerte abrazo.
tus amigos de Cuernavaca Luis y familia.

Anonymous said...

oh man!!! I missed your birthday!

Gosh, I just feel horrible :(

Happy Birthday Jose! I wish you many many more happy ones :-)

And OMG - that Juan Diego is a cutie!!

Tara said...

Yes Jose...he is adorable :D

Anonymous said...

Jose, the 18th of October. I'll be 42yrs.

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