So my mom really liked the frame of the Ex-convento Dominico de la Natividad or as my daughter calls it "The Castle". My sister bought it first so they didn't want to have the same image in both houses so my mom saw this beautiful picture of the Cathedral in Cuernavaca and said she wanted that one instead. I had liked that image since I took it and I knew it would look fantastic once framed, I was right and so was my mom. All these old Mexican churches are protected by the state and it is against the law to alter them, all that can be done to them is restore them but they have to remain original. They are all beautiful if you ask me.
Cuernavaca's Cathedral.Mike our gardener liked the "Rocky Point" sunset but wanted the darker frame. So we customized one for him to. Here is the end result.
There is the original at the left.
And this is his special order one.All I know is that this is fun and I am enjoying it.
They're beautiful Jose. Can I say I knew you and Michelle when? When you're famous. My favorite is still Ducky.
Yes, very nice! :)
The frame did make a difference. I prefer this one better.
I wonder were my mom is going to hand her print?
I so love Mike's Picture and My Abuelitas! I just love the darker frame!
Betty - You are too funny. You are the one that has professional gigs, Michelle and I are total rookies just exploring. The Ducky portrait is my favorite too and so far the only portrait.
Tara - Thank you very much. Glad you liked them.
Chely - That's why we have different prices, becasue we base them on the frames and the mats. Once finished they all look pretty unique. I don't know where she will hang it, with so many pictures that she has but I know I'll probably will find out tonight.
Michelle - I really liked them too. Louie's came out pretty good too.
Me gusto mucho el efecto del cuafro en la special order, le va a gustar mucho a tu jardinero.
Hmmm! Quieres ganarte un cuadro gratis, pues invita a tus amistades y as una pequeña exposicion en tu casita, si cuatyro cuadritos se venden ya es ganancia. Que no es una ideota?
Je, je, je. El comentario anterios es para ti Elena.
Burro. je,je
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