Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thank God It Was Just a Scare

Let me start this post by saying all is fine and God is good.

Well the 3-day weekend in La Puente was unpredictably extended into an eleven day stay.

As I mentioned before when I got there on Thursday afternoon Abby was already there waiting for me, she had missed work due to her being sick with the flu and so instead of staying in Lancaster she drove to La Puente and surprised the heck out of me. Me? I love these kind of surprises.

Apparently everyone there had been sick with the flu all week long so when I got there it was like an epidemic. They were all getting flu shots the kids and the adults and the weather which was hot during the day and cold during the night was not helping either. Abby too was still battling the flu but I noticed her dad was really, really struggling.

We left to my sister's to spend the night and then we got the call. It was roughly 4:00 am when Abby's sister called to let us know her dad was having a hard time breathing and so they called an ambulance and he was taken to the hospital to have him checked.

I knew he really looked bad the day before but did not anticipate this. During the next six hours in the emergency ward it was determined that it was heart related and not flu related. They contacted his doctor whom had him transferred to a medical center in Monterey Park and it was inevitable but he was going to need an operation and it was a risky one. His arteries were completely shot and were not working at all so for the next couple of days they needed to stabilize him, including controlling his sugar as he is diabetic.

He was neglecting his health and God in his infinite wisdom sent him and us a reminder of how wonderful life is, and that it is worth living til the end.

Finally on Wednesday the operation took place, a quadruple bypass that took six long agonizing hours but when the doctor came out he told us that as soon as the arteries which were donated by his own leg were in place his heart took over right away.

He is a strong man and his faith helped him through this hard time and now we just wait for his fast and full recovery, he needs to because he has to walk Abby down the aisle pretty soon.

He is still in the hospital recuperating very nicely but your prayers for a faster recovery will be greatly appreciated.


Betty F said...

Wow Jose! I am so glad things worked out for Abby's father! So good he had some warning too.
Give my best to Abby and her family and her father is in my prayers

Anonymous said...

Thank you Betty.

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