Monday, December 04, 2006

On Your Knees

So, "mi chica" had me on my knees all weekend long. No she didn't ask me to beg for anything nor was I asking for forgiveness you all know I am a good boy, what she had us doing was laying her new laminate floor. She is not doing the living room only noooo, she decided for the living room, the office, the den and the halls, that my friends is a lot of square footage to cover and an old fart like me can't take that kind of punishment any more. It's a good thing the in-laws are young and owe us more than they would like that they happily put in all the muscle required for the job.

The nice thing about tackling such a big job is that with the old carpet out it was easy to retouch the walls and the bottom borders without having to worry about spilling paint. Also a lot of the furniture and knick-knacks that were taken out are not coming back in. We will have to do a "clean sweep" kinda thing where we make the three piles: keep, throw away, and sale. In this household I'm the one that is a "rat pack" so throwing away stuff is not that easy for me, but I just have to take a deep breath, close my eyes and say see ya, bye! to a lot of the stuff that at this point is sitting in my garage not allowing me to park my cars in there.

This job should have happened a long time ago but it wasn't until last weekend that we started it and we hope that it will only take us one more weekend to finish the job. Tensions were high due to the long hours and at the end of the day we were all so tired that started arguing but in the end it's all going to be worth it, specially because I know "mi chica" will be very happy her house once again looks really nice.


Chely said...

That sounds Cool!! I can hardly wait to see the final job done.


Elena said...

Bueno, bueno. Bamos a tener que hacer un karaoke party para estrenar el nuevo piso.

Estoy ansiona por ver como quedó.

¿También baile?

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I'm sure it was very hard work, but all it made me feel was anxious to own my own place. I want to be able to make improvements that result in higher equity, rather than nasty notes from the apartment manager. Cheers!

MrManuel said...

We just had laminate installed a few months ago. W love how it looks and get complimets all the time.

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