Thursday, February 14, 2008

Kindness Pass It On!

So today is St. Valentine's Day to most know as a day to express love and friendship. Like everything else we should celebrate this day all year long, we all know tha this world needs love and friendship to be spread all over. There is an organization that may be worht looking into, it's called ACTS OF KINDNESS and they have a website

Not a new idea or a new concept but something worht considering nevertheless. It pays to be kind, plus it will give you that warm fuzzy feeling that your inner person always yearns for.

Here are some of the RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS that anyone can perform at any time and they are relatively cost free. Please feel free to Pass It On!

Give a flower -- Eat Lunch With Someone New -- Listen To Your Heart -- Visit a Sick Friend -- Clean a Neighbor's Walk -- Offer a Hug -- Give An Unexpected Gift -- Make a New Friend -- Pick Up Litter -- Say "Hello" -- Call a Lonely Person -- Open a Door -- Help Carry a Load -- Plant a Tree -- Pass a Kindness On -- Buy's Someone's Meal -- Cheer Up a Friend -- Thank a Teacher -- Give Blood -- Read To a Child -- Do One Kind Act Every Day -- Leave a Thank You Note -- Offer Your Seat -- Tip Generously -- Be Tolerant -- Let Another Go First -- Bake Cookies For Emergency Workers -- Tutor a Student -- Give a Compliment -- Pay The Next Driver's Toll -- Lend a Hand -- Give a Balloon To a Child -- Offer a Ride -- Celebrate The Day -- Respect Others -- Encourage a Child -- Walk a Dog -- Do a Favor -- Forgive Mistakes -- Drive Courteously -- Share a Smile

As you can see, there is no shortage of options and the outcome should always be the same, the goal is that you feel as good to pass on kindness and you may if you receive it. We have to start somewhere, so over at your end let it start with you.

No act of kindness, however small is ever wasted. ~ Aesop

Have a happy St. Valentine's Day.


Tara said...

Great post Jose. Thank you for the link. It is true. It really doesn't take much to make someone's day. Today an old friend randomly texted me a Valentine's Day wish and it brought such a smile to my face. It also inspired Happy Valentine's Day Jose!

Wanda said...

Hey Jose.....I'm (((smiling))) and it's just for YOU!
Happy Valentine dear friend.

Mel said...

Happy valentines!!

Elena said...

Recuerdame que la proxima vez que te vea te de una apretadita de espalda como regalo atrasado de San Valentin.

I love you.

dmarks said...

I wish I'd read this this morning. But I will be checking back.

Michelle said...

Happy valentines day daddy!

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