Wednesday, April 02, 2008

TOP NINE...After the show

As I predicted, by singing the music of Dolly Parton the contestants would have the chance to accommodate their performance to their own styles and not necessarily sing them under the "country Music" genre.

Not a bad night, I have always liked Dolly Parton and I knew she had plenty of good music to choose from. I think they all did good and the votes are going to be based more on their popularity and not so much on their talent. I don't think I am going to be surprised tonight when they announce who will be leaving.

For the third week in a row, Jason Castro has not impress me at all. Eventually the "girl" vote he is getting will get thin, with Michael John getting the good reviews week after week, I think his days are numbered. His fans will then shift their votes to support David Archuleta. Ramiele continues to sing good, and I love how she is humble when she receives the worst comments from the judges, unlike Brooke White whom always says, "It's O.K." when she gets not so good reviews but then always has an excuse and comeback answer. I like it that she is our local girl but unfortunately not my favorite. I prefer Ramiele by a mile.

I still don't care for Carlie, so I am just indifferent to her performances. And love Syesha but I realize that she has not been able to establish herself as a top contender and has a very thin fan base. I would not be surprised to see her go tonight. Of all the songs in the huge Dolly Parton library, she had to go and sing a song that Whitney made a mega hit. I think that was a big, big mistake on her part. Kristy Lee Cook didn't do too bad and my gut feeling tells me that even if she is bottom three tonight, which I know she will, she will survive yet one more week.

In my opinion David Archuleta's performance was the best of the night, and the worse Jason Castro. I know most of you don't agree with what I am saying here so don't be afraid to leave me a comment with your thoughts.


Unknown said...

jason is not stepping up. Hes not really trying. The other guys were really good.

Im liking
and the rocker dude

Jose said...

Yeah, I am kindda with you but I still like Ramiele and Syesha too. :(

Michelle said...


Ramiele is GONE! YES!

Jose said...

It broke my heart to see her cry. She is a way better singer than Brooke and Kristy. :(

Erin said...

Do you know that I haven't watched a full episode yet? I was so addicted last year, and this year I can't even turn the channel. No particular reason - I think there is just too much good tv on Tuesday and Wednesday nights!! I'm making a mental note to watch it next week :)

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