Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Wow, another first for a grandson. Our little "ducky" started pre-school today. His mom and mi chica went to see him off and to wish him well. No crying with this one, he was in too much of a hurry to go in and start getting all academic and stuff. I requested a picture of him to be emailed to me but so far no luck.

If I close my eyes it feels like yesterday when my daughters started kindergarten, now their kids are starting. Is it just me or does everybody can close their eyes and think of twenty years ago as of yesterday but if I ask you to think twenty years ahead it feels like it's so far away.

In this picture he proudly holds his lunch in his state of the art lunch pail in the shape of a supermaket plastic bag... Designers!!! What'll be the next trend.

It's funny, I don't remember my first kindergarten day, but I do remember the school, the gardens, the mini swimming pool (more like a fountain)in the shape of a clover, and the drums we used to beat on Monday's to salute the flag and the walking from our house to the school. I do! I remember all that. However, I don't remember anything we ever did in the classroom. Nothing, zip, it's all blank. I guess that is why it's called selective memory.

5-15-24-79 That was the telephone number at my mom's store in Mexico, the last time I thought about that number must have been 42 or 43 years ago, and right now I just thought about that phone on hanging on the store wall and the number came to me like nothing. Now ask me about the last five phone numbers I had here and I can't remember any of them, including my last cell number which has been out of commission for the past two months.

Sometimes I wonder how much our kids and grand kids remember of these sort of events. After all, first school days in a kid's life rank pretty high in importance. My son's first day of school was insane. I know I have blogged about this story before but it has got to be one of the most funny and memorable days of our lives. My son literally got on the floor, hugged my leg tight and screamed and cried like there was no tomorrow. "Daddy, daddy, please don't leave me. I don't want to go to school, take me back with you. Aghrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Daddy please, if you leave me I'll die", lol he actually did say that, no exaggeration here from my part. It took 2 teachers to hold him back as they asked me to leave while assurng me that he would be OK. As far as drama kings go, my son was the real deal. That same day at around noon mi chica got a call from the kindergarten teacher to let her know that my son tried to go AWOL by climbing the 12 foot link fence.

Now when we tell him the story, which by the way we remind him every time one of the kids start school, he just laughs his ass off.

So, back to "Ducky", if my daughter forwards me a picture of him from today I'll make sure to post it.


Chely said...

Oh my gosh!! That is still hillarious=D

Now - Back to Ducky...Awww how cute!

I do remember my first day of Kinder but the most traumatic part was the week before, When my parents would talk about me going to "La Guarderia" & I'd picture myself filed in a bookcase!

The word "Guarderia" comes from; Guardar - To put away. So boy! Was I relieved when on my first day, I got to also play in the garden with the pool that was more like a fountain instead of being put away=p

MrManuel said...

Believe it or not, I actually remember my first day of kindergarten. Kind of funny...

Elena said...

Aunque yo no me acuerdo de mi primer dia en el kinder porque no fui, sino que me salte a primer ano, pero que tal que mi Izais tambien fue su primer dia de clases en kinder. Despues de unos cuantos pucheros queriendo llorar parese que tubo un buen dia. a proposito, se veia precioso con su uniforme.

Anonymous said...

I remember the room and everything from Kindergarten. My kids have both went through the schools I went to. One graduated in 2004 and the other is set to graduate at the end of this year.

Funny, some of the teachers from when I was at the high school are still there. One always says I'm recycling when he sees me walking in there with the girl.

My next first with the youngest will be taking her to college next year and getting her set up in her dorm... Makes me kind of sad to think about it.

Betty F said...

Oh. Your stories sound just like mine! Remembering first days while watching my children, now the parents, participate in first days. Love your post

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