Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Walking Again

Now that it's not hot anymore I am doing my "lunch time" walk again. Two miles of walking in 35 minutes. It actually feels good to do it even though I see absolutely no results. Since I don't sweat I am sure I don't lose any weight by walking. I hope to at lest get a good cardio workout out of it.

At work we all received an iPod shuffle as a Christmas present. My daughter loaded it with music I like and yesterday I brought it with me so I could use it during my walk. Well, I think it would help if I turn it off when I finish using it. The last time I used it I just put it away without turning it off and it drained the battery, needless to say, no music while walking until I get it recharged. OK, I really wasn't without music, because I sang and hummed and whistled a song or two.

While on the subject of walking many of you my new readers may not have read THIS POST I did some time ago about a pedometer. Yes, I had no clue as to what a pedometer was and being Mexican I took the meaning out of context. Now that I am walking daily I could use one of those. (And I thought it was used to measure the intensity of a fart).

We always found our destination just fine, but now many people can't find their ways unless they have a GPS, the funny thing is that they still get lost. There are those that claim then can't find their way without it. It makes me wonder how they did it before. I'm as old school as it gets, I still call for directions and find my destination pretty much very easy.

How many of you out there can't do without your GPS?


Anonymous said...

I actually asked for a GPS for Christmas since I'll be tear-assing around the whole of the southeast on a full time basis...

But I can brag that I have awesome directional skillz... I made my way from Hannover Germany, to Munich and up the Frankfurt without any mapquest or GPS..

Go me!

PS... good for you walking! Your heart will thank you for it.

ChrisJ said...

I can, but my kids can't! Neither can they survive without their skype telephone and are bugging us to get hooked up. I really don't want people to see me when I'm talking on the phone -- I only want people to see me when I want to be seen. In these later years I've discovered I'm a loner and I love being alone ...and not having anything to do...and not having anything to listen to but silence. THAT is exhilarating to me. I still like to write and I still like to meet friends, but give me room and space and quiet. That's why I like looking out over the ocean. I'm definitely yesterday's generation.

Chely said...

Youf wish has been granted. You will not have an excuse for walking now.

I gave Ade a "Pedometer" today to take to you. It was given to me a couple of months ago by my supervisor.

Use it in good health=D

Consider it your Christmas present.


MrManuel said...

A GPS would be cool, but I do fine with Mapquest for now.

Everyone got an IPOD? Wow, nice boss!

Jose said...

catscratch - In your case with your possition a GPS is actually a useful tool. I have several workmates that their cars came with an integrated GPS (Lexus Cars) they claim they never use it.

chris - The younger generation has got to have as many gadgets as they can possibly afford. Starting with the cell phone.

chely - Yey, now I'll know exactly how many farts... err I mean steps I take during my midday walk. Thank you for the Christmas present.

mrmanuel - The little shuffle was just the beginning. We will also get very healthy bonuses. I am really looking forward to those.

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